Figure-7.23: Annual mean dissolved oxygen for Northwest Atlantic and Northeast Pacific Ocean

Dissolved oxygen concentration at 300 m depth in the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary (1932–2016, declining trend of 0.89 µmol/kg per decade, significant at 1% level); depth-averaged dissolved oxygen concentration in the Labrador Sea (150–400 m, 1990–2011, declining trend of 0.75 µmol/kg per decade, significant at 1% level); Station P dissolved oxygen concentration at 150 m depth (1956–2017, declining trend 0.61 µmol/kg per decade, significant at 1% level [there is only a 1% possibility that such changes are due to chance]) and at 400 m depth (1957–2017, declining trend 0.19 µmol/kg per decade, significant at 1% level).
Data from DFO monitoring programs (Galbraith et al., 2017; Yashayaev et al., 2014; Chandler et al., 2017).