Figure-7.9: Ocean salinity changes in the Pacific Ocean off Canada’s west coast

Annual mean salinity in the Pacific Ocean off British Columbia at same sites as the mean temperature in Figure 7.2. Long-term trends in these times series are small but statistically different from zero for the Station P (10–50 m) near-surface layer (1956–2017, declining trend of 0.015 per decade, significant at 5% level, (there is only a 5% possibility that the trend is due to chance]) and Amphitrite and Kains Islands (1935–2017, declining trend of 0.043 per decade, significant at 5% level). Interannual and decadal variability is large at Entrance Island (east Vancouver Island) relative to the sites on the west coast of Vancouver Island and at Station P. Long-term trends are not statistically different from zero at Entrance Island (1937–2017, increasing trend of 0.038 per decade) nor at Station P (100–150 m) deep layer (1956–2017, increasing trend of 0.013 per decade).
Data are from DFO monitoring programs. British Columbia Shore Station Oceanographic Program <>. Line P monitoring program <>.