Interactive Figure 7.6: Annual mean temperatures in the Scotian Shelf and the Bay of Fundy

Ocean temperature time series in the Scotian Shelf and one for the Bay of Fundy collected by DFO monitoring programs. Long-term increases are observed from in situ sea surface temperature (0 m, 1947–2016, positive trend of 0.15°C per decade, significant at 1% level) and for the deeper layer (250 m, 1947–2016, positive trend of 0.36°C per decade, significant at 1% level) of the Emerald Basin region of the Scotian Shelf. Depth-averaged ocean temperature (0–90 m) from the Prince 5 station in the Bay of Fundy (1924–2016, positive trend of 0.16°C per decade, significant at 1% level) indicates a similar long-term warming trend.
Data from DFO monitoring programs (Hebert et al., 2016). Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program <>