Interactive Figure 7.3: Annual mean temperatures in the Northeast Pacific Ocean off British Columbia

Interactive Figure 7.3

Coastal temperature time series collected at DFO monitoring sites on the east (Entrance Island, positive trend 0.15°C per decade, significant at 1% level [there is only a 1% possibility that such changes are due to chance]) and west (Amphitrite Point and Kains Island, positive trend 0.08°C per decade, significant at 1% level) coasts of Vancouver Island. Offshore ocean temperature at Station P is presented for the upper ocean (10–50 m, positive trend 0.14°C per decade, significant at 1% level) and the depth range of the permanent thermocline (layer in which temperature decreases strongly with depth; 100–150 m, positive trend 0.07°C per decade, significant at 5% level).


Data from DFO monitoring programs. British Columbia Shore Station Oceanographic Program <>. Line P monitoring program <>.