Figure 7.6: -

Results of five simulations for the distribution and abundance of Greenland halibut in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. a) Actual biomass data for the period 1990‒2013. b) Scenario involving warming only. The scenarios shown in panels c), d) and e) involve the same level of warming as in panel b), but this warming is accompanied by different levels of oxygen decline (c = 1% decline, d = 2% decline, and e = 4% decline). f) Scenario with a 4% oxygen decline and no warming. The impacts of warming alone (b) and warming accompanied by a 4% saturation decline in dissolved oxygen (e) appear similar with the colour coding used, although warming alone reduced high-density areas by 49%, whereas the two stressors combined caused a 57% reduction. Decline in dissolved oxygen without the increase in temperature only reduced biomass by 2%.
Adapted from Stortini et al., 2017.