Annual mean salinity at representative sites from five different areas off Atlantic Canada, from Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) monitoring programs. The Gulf of St. Lawrence (300 m depth) long-term trend is significantly positive (1915–2016, trend 0.019 per decade, significant at 1% level), in contrast to the other sites, which all have negative trends. The decreasing trend on the Newfoundland Shelf (Station 27, 0–175 m, 1950–2016, declining trend of 0.013 per decade, significant at 5% level) is statistically different from zero. The remaining sites do not have trends that are statistically different from zero (Labrador Sea, 20–150 m, 1928–2012, declining trend of 0.005 per decade; Scotian Shelf (Emerald Basin), 1951–2016, declining trend of 0.022 per decade; Bay of Fundy, 0–90 m, 1924–2016, declining trend of 0.009 per decade).